Friday, February 16, 2007

Just a little side-trip...

I know that I am leaving in 9 days for Beijing, but I couldn't help stopping by Guadalajara, Mexico for one last hoo-rah with the Spanish Trackers. It's Alex's fault. He made me start thinking about this a while ago and I decided that I simply must hang out with them one more time before I go to China and they graduate before I get back! [Most of my classmates (everyone except Chinese and Japanese track students) graduate in May 2008, but I don't even come back from China until August 2008 to begin my final two semesters. ]
So I am now in the Charlotte airport waiting for my flight. When I show up in Guadalajara, everyone will be at a corporate visit and unable to come to the airport. It will be an adventure! I am excited to buy a phone card, figure out how to use it, grab a taxi, find a Starbucks in the middle of the city, meet Paco's sister for a chat and await their arrival. What a day it will be. As you know, there will be many photos and videos to come! :-)

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