Friday, May 9, 2008

The following post....

The following post on China is debatable. The truth is, I never know exactly what I think, because I'm going on 2 years of living here, plus 20+ years of being socialized in the U.S., so it's a little mixed up! But I wrote the following article because it is a perspective that is different from a lot of what is showing up in the U.S. media, and something I run into on a daily basis. PLEASE leave comments, make it a discussion, because sometimes my news comes just as much from you as it does from the television or internet. I especially like Katbob's comment on the Olympics article! She said: "It's just human decency, to speak up for what's right when we can, especially because the smart and sensitive and good people of China cannot."

The only thing that living long periods of time in other countries does is create indecisiveness for me. You can no longer side with your home or the place you live now, perpetually in the middle! This is where I'm finding myself. Not an American. Not Chinese. Just trying to make sure I've brought out all the points on each side...rarely able to firmly embrace just one side...but making sure we're at least aware of all of them. (All that to say, just read below for interest, and please post a comment :)


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